Caterer Aramark shows school kids the importance of good nutrition

Renza Vermeulen, Aramark's healthcare dietician for the Epsom and St Helier Trust, recently visited the Victor Seymour Infants' School to show children the importance of good nutrition, and how to prepare an interesting and tasty lunch.
She was joined by nutritionist and diet chef, Doris Caesar at St Helier Hospital.
Aramark's production, catering and unit manager from Epsom Hospital, John Page, also joined the parents of the children, to show them what they could add to their shopping baskets, and how, with a little extra effort, they could ensure their children ate a healthy lunch.
Val Carter, corporate responsibility director, Aramark, said: "All 11 workshops were a huge success. In groups, the children were asked to create their own version of the Food Standard Agency's 'eatwell plate', which helped encourage them to eat a variety of foods including, fruit and vegetables, starchy foods, milk and dairy products, meat, fish, eggs and pulses, fats and sugars.
"The events marked Aramark's ongoing support for schools around the country; whereby professional chefs help educate children about healthy diets. It also supported Sutton Council's focus on healthy and local food for schools."