More fruit and veg, less red meat and sugar on Scottish school menus

They also mean it will become the first part of the UK to set maximum limits for consumption of red and processed red meat over the course of the school week, which is aimed at reduce exposure to harmful nitrites.
Known officially as The Nutritional Requirements for Food and Drink in Schools (Scotland) Regulations 2020, they were laid before the Scottish Parliament on Monday (May 18th) and will come into force on April 8th 2021.
The move is part of a new initiative that commits the Scottish Government and local authorities to providing the healthiest food to children and young people. This commitment is underpinned by a duty to provide school meals that meet strict nutritional requirements, including encouraging the use of fresh, local and sustainable produce.
It is also aimed at strengthening efforts in Scotland to improve diet, halve childhood obesity by 2030 and encourage healthy eating habits among children and young people.
School food regulations will be amended to ensure:
* a minimum of two full portions of vegetables and a full portion of fruit are offered as part of a school lunch, with full portions of fruit and or vegetables also available in, for example, tuck shops
* a maximum amount of red and processed red meat provision - such as bacon, ham and pepperoni - in school lunches to help reduce exposure to nitrites
* removal of fruit juice and smoothies from primary and secondary schools to help reduce sugar intake
Deputy First Minister John Swinney said: “Our school food and drink regulations are now over a decade old. With more than 360,000 meals served a day, schools must follow the latest scientific and dietary advice and encourage young people to choose healthy habits for life.
“Every school lunch will now contain more fruit and vegetables, and where food is served elsewhere in school full portions of fruit and vegetables must be on offer.
“We have set maximum limits for consumption of red processed meat which is linked to an increased risk of cancer. This will also reduce exposure to harmful nitrites.
“And we know that one small carton of fruit juice or smoothie contains more than the entire recommended sugar intake for a primary pupil’s lunch, so these drinks will no longer be served in schools.
“These changes will improve our school food, help tackle childhood obesity and give our children the best start in life.”
Claire Hislop, Organisational Lead for Diet and Healthy Weight at NHS Health Scotland and a member of the technical working group which reviewed the current regulations, said:
“The technical working group put the health and wellbeing of children and young people at the heart of our recommendations, drawing on the latest evidence and knowledge of current school food practices.
“We welcome the changes to the food and drink provided in schools, which will help create an environment in which children can choose a healthy, balanced diet.
"We know that health in Scotland is improving, but not for everyone. Supporting children and young people at school is an important way of addressing these inequalities. Together with a range of other actions to help support a healthy diet, this new guidance will contribute to improving health and reducing health inequalities in Scotland.”
In 2017, the Scottish Government established a technical working group with representation from NHS Health Scotland, Education Scotland, Food Standards Scotland and others. It accepted all of the recommendations from the group.
A public consultation on school food regulations then took place in 2018: 1,359 responses were received, 1,280 from individuals and 79 from organisations.