The LACA Awards acknowledge individuals and teams who continue to make a real difference to school food and education catering. Good management, strong performances and high achievements deserve to be recognised and acknowledgement of effort is important to both reward and sustain motivation.
Being nominated for a LACA award gives a sense of prestige and honour at a personal level and raised the professional reputation of the organisation or school employing award winners. A LACA award is an invaluable promotional tool in any organisation or school's marketing strategy and speaks volumes about its high standards of customer service and care.
LACA extends its thanks to all the award sponsors for their much appreciated support and for their ongoing commitment to recognising, along with the Association, the exceptional endeavours of all of our nominees.
The winners were announced as part of the LACA webinar on Wednesday 25 November.
LACA Unsung Hero Award 2020
Sponsored by Civica
- Donna Amiteye – Norse Catering
School Catering Team
Sponsored by Middleton Foods
- Knightlow Primary School – Educaterers
LACA Secondary School Catering Team
Sponsored by Bidfood
- Longfield Academy – LTS Catering
LACA Outstanding Supplier Award
- Quorn Foods
Chairman's Award
- Jessica Crane, Chartwells
To view a recording of the LACA Awards for Excellence 2020 click here