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LACA Awards For Excellence - Categories & Criteria

18 Apr 2019

There are 11 LACA Award categories for 2025:



LACA and the Natasha Allergy Research Foundation are looking for nominations for this new and highly prestigious award. Nominees must be able to show the following:

Exceptional practice in the management of allergens within the workplace, including working practices, record keeping, staff training and signposting.

  • Clear and concise communication of allergen practice to all school stakeholders (pupils, parents, staff and governors)
  • Examples of how they are using the service to promote allergen management and educate stakeholders in its importance. This should include information around the school service areas and on the school website as a minimum.
  • Please provide evidence of use of the LACA Allergen Management Risk Analysis Process if appropriate

The award will be judged by Nadim and Tanya Ednan-Laperouse OBE and Brad Pearce Chair of LACA; winners will work with Natasha's Foundation and LACA on promotional campaigns to promote great practice and the Natasha's Foundation education programme.

The winning individual will receive a framed certificate, trophy and prize of £500

Submission Requirements

• Up to a maximum of 1000 words (word count to be shown)
• Testimonials from stakeholders
• Support information not to exceed 6 x A4 sheets
• Digital photograph of the nominated person
• 50 word overview of the entry

Judging criteria

Marks will be given for each element of the criteria identified above and with compliance to the submission requirements


Sponsored by The Worshipful Company of Cooks

The apprentice/trainee of the year award will be presented to an individual who, in the view of judges, has successfully carried out a recognised training course or programme. The nominee will have to illustrate what the impact of the training outcomes are following the programme and how the learning has been successfully implemented and embraced by colleagues, the workplace and ultimately improving client satisfaction.

The winning individual will receive a framed certificate, trophy and prize of £500.

Training has always been recognised as critical by LACA as the basis of a successful organisation which can demonstrate that an effective training programme is available to staff to enable their development within the workplace, industry and
ultimately to further their career. The introduction of the Apprenticeship Levy by the
Government has enabled any team member to consider their own personal development and career path. This award applies to any member of staff employed within the school
catering industry.

Submission requirements

• Up to a maximum of 1000 words (word count to be shown)
• No more than 6 pictures or graphics
• Support information not to exceed 6 x A4 sheets and to include evidence of client surveys, staff surveys or client feedback
• Digital photograph of the nominated person
• 50 word overview of the entry

Judging criteria
Marks will be given for each element of the criteria identified above and with compliance to the submission requirements.


Sponsored by Rational

This award is looking to recognise the top-performing catering business in the school meals sector. Entries can be from a local authority team that manages the catering in their local area or a company supplying services to the wider school meals sector, or other catering enterprises, including those companies owned by a local authority.

The winning management team will receive a framed certificate, trophy and cheque for £500.

The winning organisation will have demonstrated a high level of management skill, initiative, and commitment in devising and implementing a business initiative or strategy, which has brought
about a positive change or improvement in their food service across their area of operations.

The winning team will have demonstrated an energetic and imaginative approach to its work as well as illustrating active involvement of staff in the successful development and introduction
of change. This may include the introduction of education and training schemes and improved staff engagement, the development of new concepts and value-added support, delivering improvements in health and wellbeing, completion of modernisation programmes, significant growth or change strategies or a combination of any of these.

Entries should show supporting evidence of:

• Sustainability policies that have been implemented
• Financial information showing percentage growth or turnover and/ or meals served
• Examples of improving the nutrition of food served with wellbeing benefits
• Evidence of positive customer satisfaction levels through feedback, surveys etc

Submission requirements
• Up to a maximum of 1000 words (word count to be shown)
• Two letters of support
• No more than 6 pictures or graphics
• Support information not to exceed 6 x A4 sheets
• Digital photograph of the nominated team
• 50 word overview of the entry

Judging criteria
Marks will be given for each element of the criteria identified above and with compliance to the submission requirements.


Sponsored by Middleton Foods

This award aims to give recognition to a primary school based catering team which has made an outstanding contribution to raising the profile of education catering within the school and/or its local community.

The winning team will receive a framed certificate, trophy and cheque for £500.

The winning primary team will have demonstrated a high level of enthusiasm, initiative, commitment and effort in devising and/or implementing activities, which increase awareness of and support the school’s food service.

Maintaining a consistent level of professional standards in dayto-day work will be taken into account as much as originality and creativity. Candidates should seek to highlight the aims behind any ideas, outline through examples and visual illustrations how the plans were put into action and provide evidence of the achievements or results. Partnerships with stakeholders and any other relevant awards or accreditations received such as the Healthy School Standard should be included in the submission.

This high profile award represents a significant accolade for a primary school team whose performance has pushed the promotional boundaries and made a major impact on customer attitudes towards or uptake of its school’s food service.

Submission requirements
• Up to a maximum of 1000 words (word count to be shown)
• Two letters of support
• No more than 6 pictures or graphics
• Support information not to exceed 6 x A4 sheets
• Digital photograph of the nominated team
• 50 word overview of the entry

Judging criteria
Marks will be given for each element of the criteria identified above and with compliance to the submission requirements.



This award aims to give recognition to a secondary school based catering team which has made an outstanding contribution to raising the profile of education catering within the school and/or its local community.

The winning team will receive a framed certificate, trophy and cheque for £500.

The winning secondary team will have demonstrated a high level of enthusiasm, initiative, commitment and effort in devising and/or implementing activities which increase awareness of and support the school’s food service.

Maintaining a consistent level of professional standards in day to day work will be taken into account as much as originality and creativity. Candidates should seek to highlight the aims behind any ideas, outline through examples and visual illustrations how the plans were put into action and provide evidence of the achievements or results. Partnerships with stakeholders and any other relevant awards or accreditations received such as the Healthy School Standard should be included in the submission.

This high profile award represents a significant accolade for a secondary school team whose performance has pushed the promotional boundaries and made a major impact on customer attitudes towards or uptake of its school’s food service.

Submission requirements
• Up to a maximum of 1000 words (word count to be shown)
• Two letters of support
• No more than 6 pictures
• Support information not to exceed 6 x A4 sheets
• Digital photograph of the nominated team
• 50 word overview of the entry

Judging criteria
Marks will be given for each element of the criteria identified above and with compliance to the submission requirements.


Sponsored by Wafflemeister

Effective marketing is an important function in any organisation’s success and this is certainly true within the school catering industry. Marketing practices can be used to support school caterers in many ways - showcasing the school meals service, encouraging healthy eating and lifestyles while having fun and, of course, encouraging meal uptake.

Winners will receive a trophy, a framed certificate and a cheque for £500

Please answer the questions below and ensure that you comply with the submission requirements.

1. What were your key marketing objectives during 2024/25 and how did you perform against the ‘plan’?
2. What did you do to maximise meal uptake?
3. How did you maximise PR opportunities and how did this support LACA’s aims to promote all that is great about school meals?
4. What role, if any, did National School Meals Week play in your marketing plan for 2024?

Entries should show:

- the marketing strategies/techniques used to meet objectives, giving key data to support your results and conclusions
- what you actually did, highlight successes and lessons learnt
- the effect the marketing has had on uptake / perception or addressed any other aims and objectives
- if/how you promoted your service during the year either locally or by supporting any national initiatives

The judges will assess entries based on the above criteria and submissions should meet the following requirements.

Submission requirement:

• Up to a maximum of 1000 words on paper (word count must be shown)
• Support material not to exceed 6 x A4 sheets
• Digital photograph of the nominated team
• 50 word overview of the entry

Judging criteria

Marks will be given for each element of the criteria identified above, and with compliance to the submission requirements


Sponsored by Cereal Partners

This award is in recognition of Nan Berger and of her exemplary work in the field of innovation, accreditation and/or collaboration which has led to a successful result either with increased meal uptake or raising the profile of the school catering service.

The winner will receive a trophy, framed certificate and a cheque for £500.

What has an individual or team achieved that is different and makes them stand out from the rest? We are looking for innovative ideas that have been introduced and may include collaboration/partnership working, which has helped to achieve business objectives and in addition raised the profile of the school catering service.

The nomination will have to demonstrate how this has impacted on increased sales and/or helped to achieve a specific accreditation (ie FFL, ISO, IIP etc)

Submission requirements
• Up to a maximum of 1000 words (word count to be shown)
• No more than 6 pictures or graphics
• Digital photograph of the nominated person/team
• 50 word overview of the entry

Judging criteria
Marks will be given for each element of the criteria identified above and with compliance to the submission requirements.



This prestigious award represents the highest accolade that can be bestowed upon an individual within education catering. It is awarded to the person who has, above all others, demonstrated outstanding levels of service and commitment and made an enormous contribution to local authority catering.

The winner will receive a trophy, framed certificate and a cheque for £500.

The recipient of this award will have exceptional leadership qualities and the respect and admiration of colleagues from across the industry. The individual will have sound business acumen, extensive experience in his or her field, a reputation for sharp commercial judgement and impressive personal abilities.

The winner of this award may have successfully overseen or steered his or her organisation through a major industry change, a milestone event or introduced new techniques, policies or strategies which have taken their business to new heights of growth, profitability and success. He or she will have displayed an astute sense of people management which has motivated and inspired staff regardless of changing or challenging business circumstances.

This category is open for individuals to not only nominate colleagues they believe are worthy of being presented with this award but to put themselves forward if they feel that their work or achievements should be considered.

Submission requirements
• Up to a maximum of 1000 words (word count to be shown)
• Support material not to exceed 6 x A4 sheets
• Digital photograph of the nominee
• 50 word overview of the entry

Judging criteria
Marks will be given for each element of the criteria identified above and with compliance to the submission requirements.


Sponsored by Civica

This award is looking to celebrate those unsung heroes within the school catering industry.  We are encouraging anyone who has seen amazing dedication, or who has witnessed someone go above and beyond in their role, to send in their nominations for the Unsung Hero Award.

The winner will receive a trophy, framed certificate and a cheque for £500.

The recipient of this award will have demonstrated a unique contribution to the school catering industry, whether this individual works within the school, is a supporter of school meals or provides or supplies to the industry.

The consequences or outcomes of this individual’s contribution will have demonstrated added value, new initiatives or a unique situation that benefited the school catering service in some way.

This award is about raising the profile of an individual who under normal circumstances would go unrecognised.

Submission requirements
• Up to a maximum of 1000 words (word count to be shown)
• Support material not to exceed 4 x A4 sheets, which should include two or more independent testimonials that could come from a recipient of a school meal, parent, teacher, co-worker or catering manager. • To also include a maximum of 6 supporting images.
• Digital photograph of the person or team being nominated
• 50 word overview of the entry

Judging criteria
Marks will be given for each element of the criteria identified above and with compliance to the submission requirements.



This award aims to recognise the great work done in the regions at the grassroots level of the Association.

The winning region will receive a trophy, a framed certificate and £500 to be donated to the charity chosen by the winning regional chair.

Nominations for this award should be submitted by the regional committee and are required to demonstrate the successful operation of the region throughout the year.

The award will be presented to the region that has most effectively met the judging criteria:
• Interesting and original events and meetings programme
• Demonstration of innovative and engaging support to welcome new members at regional level, including demonstration of the development and effectiveness of the membership lead role on the regional committee
• Recruitment and retention of members generally
• Raising the profile of LACA

Submission requirements
• Up to a maximum of 1000 words (word count to be shown)
• Supporting evidence not to exceed 6 x A4 pages to demonstrate how you met or exceeded the evaluation criteria
• 50 word overview on the entry



This award is in recognition of a LACA Partner or Associate Member who has consistently maintained the highest level of support and service excellence to the education catering sector.

The winner will receive a trophy and a framed certificate.

The winning supplier will not only have demonstrated a fundamental appreciation of the requirements of local authority catering and exceptional commitment but a significant degree of loyalty, active involvement and an immeasurable contribution to the future development and growth of education catering.

The activities of a key member of the organisation may be equally considered suitable criteria for this award, through individual support to local authority catering above and beyond their job role.

The winning supplier may be a dynamic force in the market place that regularly handles challenges with positive and workable solutions. Other winning attributes to be considered would be a friendly, helpful sales team, excellent customer service and efficient business sales and distribution systems.

This award is open for school meal providers to nominate a supplier/manufacturer company or one of its departments, divisions or individual employees. The category is also open to suppliers and manufacturers themselves to put forward their own company, a department or an individual for consideration.

Submission requirements
• Up to a maximum of 1000 words (word count to be shown)
• Support material not to exceed 6 x A4 sheets
• 50 word overview of the entry

Judging criteria
Marks will be given for each element of the criteria identified above and with compliance to the submission requirements.