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Aron Jordan becomes ninth person to reach SCOTY final

10 Jun 2024
Aron Jordan from Doucecroft School will represent the East of England at the School Chef of the Year (SCOTY) national final after completing a cook-off at the Brakes Kitchen in Reading.

The competition, which is sponsored by Bisto from Premier Foods, is run by LACA and aims to demonstrate the importance of high-quality cooking in school meals.

The competition is open to all kitchen-based staff involved in the daily preparation of pupils’ meals in schools across the UK, whether from a local authority, contract-catered site, managed in-house, academy school or part of a Multi-Academy Trust.

During the cook-off Aron produced homemade gnocchi served with sauteed mushrooms, spinach, kidney beans parmesan and a tarragon sauce. His dessert was an oaty biscuit base with a mixed berry ice cream cheese filling, topped with raspberry and mint.

Louise Wagstaffe, Premier Food’s senior culinary adviser and SCOTY head judge, said: “Aron’s gnocchi dish was presented well and had great flavour. His cheesecake was also delicious and visually stunning, making him a deserving winner of the East of England regional finals.”

School meal providers can register for free entry to the School Food Show to watch the competitors in action at the national final on the 3rd and 4th July.