Civica gives allergen management tips to school caterers

With an auditable, reliable catering management system, contract caterers can have complete confidence that their processes are compliant – and save time too. Saffron software brings all aspects of catering management into one, simple to use platform.
It incorporates reliable nutritional and allergen information, supplier information and more. This gives catering and management staff easy access to data and tools to plan informed recipes and manage allergens in a safe, compliant way.
Improved visibility in this way ensures compliance and enhances efficiency. Data integrity is key too - Saffron provides a demonstrable link from the dish being sold back to the ingredient or item being purchased, which is vital for compliance and auditing.
One of the most important things to support sales of allergen-free and free-from products is giving customers the platform to make informed choices more easily and with complete confidence – even for those individuals who may lack trust or confidence in free-from purchases.
Saffron’s power lies in the ability to easily output data such as allergen and nutritional information in multiple forms. This means it can be used to create menus or labels via export to your chosen labelling supplier, to ensure compliance with Natasha’s Law, or viewed online.
The Wellbeing Portal provides customers across all contract catering environments with access to comprehensive nutritional and allergen information to help make safe menu choices in advance of purchase.
It is important to track and learn from ‘near miss’ incidents. Civica is collaborating with HASUK (Hospitality Allergen Support UK) to wrap this important process into Saffron. Organisations will be given the tools to recognise, report and review incidents, further improving customer safety and confidence.
Saffron is also supported by the CivicaEats mobile pre-order app, which enables pupils to order meals in advance and can be linked to the Saffron Wellbeing Portal for full visibility.