Combi manufacturer Rational publishes sustainability strategy

Rational has based its sustainability strategy on the guiding principle 'we want to be a company that people want to exist'. It covers the action areas of environment, community and responsibility, for each of which the company has set targets and progress is measured continuously and transparently.
A spokesperson for Rational said: “When we launched our first combi-steamer in 1976, Rational promoted it as an environmentally friendly and efficient alternative to conventional kitchen technology. At a time when environmental issues didn't play a big role. The new sustainability strategy shows that the company has not only remained true to its original claims, but also has a vision for the future.”
The company's environmental activities focus on 'climate protection' and 'resource conservation'. This includes the climate target, in which Rational commits to being greenhouse gas neutral for Scopes 1 and 2 and for Scope 3 emissions that can be directly influenced by 2050.
Scope 1 refers to direct emissions resulting from the burning of fossil fuels in production, in the company's fleet or through manufacturing processes within the company itself. Scope 2 emissions are indirect emissions caused by the purchase of electricity.
Scope 3 emissions are also indirect emissions but are caused by processes in the value chain. This figure also includes the emissions avoided globally through the use of Rational appliances in professional kitchens. The target is to be achieved in stages, with a 42% reduction in Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gases by 2030 compared to 2023.
Peter Stadelmann, chief executive of Rational AG, added: "The concept of sustainability has always been built into our products, even if we have not emphasised it. It is part of our DNA. Compared to conventional kitchen technology, Rational cooking systems can save up to 30% energy, up to 50% water and up to 30% space.
“Our sustainability strategy shows that we can and will do even more. When it comes to sustainability, you have to think beyond your own work and lifetime. We need to make the right decisions today to ensure a good future. As people, as customers, as employees and as a company.”