Denbighshire Council rolls out universal primary free school meals ahead of schedule
Since September 2022, the universal primary free school meals (UPFSM) offer in Denbighshire has been successfully rolled out from reception to Year 4. Following a further round of kitchen and dining refurbishments across the county, the UPFSM offer will be rolled out earlier than scheduled to Year 5 and 6 pupils.
Councillor Gill German, lead member for education, children and families, said: “It is fantastic that with this funding, along with the dedication of our staff and support from local contractors, the Authority is able to rollout the universal primary free school meal offer earlier than originally scheduled for all pupils up to Year 6.
“School meals are essential to a child’s learning and development and I am so very pleased that now every primary school pupil within Denbighshire will have the offer of a free school meal.”