Denbighshire primary schools serve almost 140,000 free school meals

Denbighshire County Council started to offer the Universal Primary Free School Meals to all year 2 pupils in Denbighshire from the end of April. The offer is due to be extended to years 3 and 4 from September 2023, and the phased delivery approach will see all primary pupils offered free school meals by 2024.
As part of the rollout, a number of Denbighshire’s primary schools have seen kitchen and catering upgrades, including full kitchen remodels and increased storage, with the addition of new walk-in fridge and freezers. They have also received new cooking equipment to help increase cooking capacity.
Councillor Gill German, deputy leader and lead member for education, children and families said: “A nutritious meal at lunchtime is essential to a child’s learning and development and I am so thankful to our dedicated catering teams who have helped to serve up such a huge number of these meals.”