Dorset school meals are back with focus still on local produce

Chief Executive, Caroline Morgan said that many of the children had mentioned how much they had missed their hot school meals.
“We’re proud to be a business for good and are delighted to be supplying our schools in a way that works for them this term,” she said.
Local Food Links is working with schools individually to help meet their needs while new ways of working are being explored. Some schools will be offering hot meals and others have requested packed lunches for the first few weeks of term.
The Prince of Wales First School shared photos of pupils eating and socialising in their ‘bubbles’ and headteacher Gary Spracklen commented: “You can’t beat a nice roast dinner on your first day back.”
The team at LFL has launched a brand new online ordering system this week. The system makes it easy for busy parents to order school meals on the go – it is optimised for mobile phone usage and is really simple to operate. Feedback from schools and parents has been very positive.
* Local Food Links is an independent caterer and a not-for-profit social enterprise that supplies 3,700 meals a day to 55 schools in Dorset, Somerset and Devon. Seventy eight percent of ingredients are purchased from Dorset suppliers and 95% from South West suppliers.