Endeavour Primary school pupils appear on Saturday Morning Show

In support of ITV’s campaign Eat Them To Defeat Them, in association with ITV Social Purpose, they watched James whip up eight vegetable dishes before asking the children to taste test them while chatting through how Karen and her team have engaged children to eat more vitamin-rich veg.
Research shows that many parents struggle to get their kids to eat enough vegetables, but this campaign puts parents on the same side as their children to help them defeat the veg by eating them.
Amanda Whatley, business development manager at HC3S, said: “I have barely contained my excitement these past two months but now I can reveal that our award-winning school chef and three pupils from Endeavour Primary School had the pleasure of spending the morning during half term filming a piece to go out on James Martin’s Saturday Morning on ITV1.
“James showed us how to cook eight dishes that included broccoli and parsnips. The children, who helped cook the winning Tilda Challenge rice recipe in 2022, made it clear they thought parsnips were disgusting yet couldn’t get enough of them once James cooked them two ways. One pupil is even inspired to be a chef.”
As part of the Eat Them to Defeat Them campaign, HC3S are supporting children in promoting healthy eating and increasing the amount of vegetables in their diet.