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Expert warns price hike expected on tinned tomatoes

17 Jun 2021
An ingredients expert has warned that the tomato market will be more expensive than last year due to a low Italian crop yield combined with increased production costs.

Wholesalers prices for tomatoes are already up 20% and the price is expected to increase to a possible 50%.

Jason Bull, director of Eurostar Commodities, said: “Prices are increasing more than 50% comparing to pre-season 2020. Suppliers in Italy have now started to offer prices for this year’s new crop, asking on average 20% more than last year.

“In food service in the last few months prices have not increased proportionally since demand was low. But now the market is re-starting, and prices are going to the level we expect for next crop.”

Tinned tomatoes feature as a key ingredient for everyday dinners including bolognaise, pasta sauce and soups.