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Go Green Debate to help operators make the most of green schemes

10 Jun 2015

The second in Gram’s Go Green Debate webinar series will aim to help operators and procurement personnel navigate the incentives and schemes on offer as 63% have no awareness of government tax break offers.

Respondents to the 2014 Gram Green Paper had little no awareness of schemes to help businesses become greener.

The panel, comprising of industry experts, will discuss how to access the variety of schemes and incentives available, from capital allowances and feed in tariffs to the CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme and tax reliefs for purchasing energy efficient equipment.

Andrew Fishwick, owner of The Truscott Arms in Maida Vale, Mark Linehan, managing director at the Sustainable Restaurant Association, the Carbon Trust’s director of implementation Myles McCarthy, and panel chair Glenn Roberts managing director, Gram UK will discuss the topic in depth and respond to questions live.

Join in live with The Go Green Debate by tweeting to @gramukgreen using #TheGoGreenDebate or send them to questions@thegogreendebate.