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Hundreds of thousands missing out on free school meals

11 Mar 2013

New analysis by the Children’s Society has revealed what it says are huge numbers of children in poverty throughout the country who are missing out on free school meals.

Chief executive Matthew Reed said: “Our new analysis reveals a stark picture for children living in poverty across England. It found that in 57 constituencies alone, more than six in 10 children in poverty are not getting a free school meal.

“In some areas more than two-thirds of children in poverty missing out on free school meals.”

LACA has issued a statement saying: “The Guardian has reported that thousands of children live in 'hidden poverty' following a Children's Society study just published that finds that the highest numbers of children living in poverty but ineligible for free meals are in the UK's richest areas, particularly in London and the South East of England.”

The report shows that the joint top two constituencies are Horsham, and Bognor Regis and Littlehampton, at 69%, closely followed by Mitcham and Morden, and Arundel and South Downs at 68%.

Of England’s 533 constituencies, only 22 have fewer than 10% of children in poverty missing out on free school meals.

The Children’s Society’s Fair and Square campaign is calling on the government to make free school meals available to all children in poverty.

Reed added: “We urge all people to contact their MP to support this call.

“For some children, a free school lunch may be the only proper meal they get. Nearly half of teachers we surveyed said they often saw children going hungry in school.

“For parents in poverty, finding the £370 a year needed for each child’s school meal often means struggling to provide their children with the basics, including buying them shoes for school and heating their home.

“Many low-income families are unable to get free school meals simply because their parents are working – no matter how little they earn.

“It is shocking that huge numbers of children in poverty across the country are missing out on a free school meal. Every child in poverty should be entitled to this vital support.

“We know from the families we work with up and down the country that parents are struggling to make ends meet. Right now, the government is reconsidering which children will be entitled to get free school meals. We urge the government to take this opportunity to make sure all children in poverty can get a free school meal.

“In collaboration with 38 Degrees, we have already gathered more than 90,000 signatures in support of the campaign. With the introduction of changes to the benefit system under Universal Credit, the government has an important opportunity to make this happen.

“Across the country every day, more than half of the 2.2 million school children living in poverty in England miss out on a free school meal. Of these, 700,000 are not even entitled to one – often because their parents work, regardless of how little they earn.

To read the report and see the interactive map of the UK highlighting areas where children are missing out, visit: