LACA Awards for Excellence to raise money for Buddy Bag Foundation

The LACA Awards for Excellence aim to recognise individuals and teams who continue to make a real difference in education catering.
A spokesperson for Buddy Bags, said: “We have created Buddy Bag Foundation in response to the rising number of children who enter emergency care after fleeing violent situations at home. Restoring a sense of safety and security into a child’s life during a traumatic time is one of the first steps to recovery. By providing these children with a few essential items, we can help make the transition into emergency care a little easier.
“A Buddy Bag is a backpack that contains all the essential items a child needs. They include toiletries, pyjamas, socks and underwear. They also include comfort items such as a book, a photo frame and a teddy bear. A Buddy Bag is something a child can call their own, no matter where they go.”
Children fleeing violent situations often have to leave home quickly, without the chance to collect basic items. These children arrive in emergency accommodation with just the clothes they are wearing. Around 48,000 children require emergency accommodation in the UK each year.
To find out more information about the charity, visit here.