LACA Buying Group secures new framework

Set up in partnership with LACA the Buying Group was developed to offer school caterers a cost-effective way to procure food and supply contracts. Launched in December 2020, the Buying Group is free for LACA and TUCO members.
This Framework is for the Supply and Implementation of Greenhouse Gas Calculator System. The purpose of this framework agreement is to deliver an efficient and compliant route to market for participating public bodies, by minimising resource and providing value for money.
A spokesperson for TUCO said: “We are committed to advancing the learning and developing of catering and hospitality teams, and work to provide quality standards, advice and information to those working in the sector.
“TUCO is committed to driving the health and well-being agenda on behalf of its members, and is at the fore of sustainability best practice. Our procurement team work to secure the best possible value in all framework agreements, demonstrated by purchasing volumes in excess of £140m per annum.”
Through the LACA Buying Group members will have access to a network of more than 200 approved UK suppliers of all sizes. The Supply and Implementation of Greenhouse Gas Calculator System is one of 18 frameworks available to members.
The benefits of using frameworks include:
- It is free to use for members.
- Eliminates the need for organisations to individually undertake their own full
- procurement exercise, which saves time and resources.
- Simplifies the process and removes the cost to public sector bodies in procuring the services and providers.
- Legally compliant framework agreement developed within the EU public procurement regulations.
- Consistent terms & conditions of contract.
- Opportunity for further savings through further competition.
- TUCO regularly audit the nominated suppliers to assist in the management and reduction of food safety risks.
The LACA Buying Group is simple to use and can be used by LACA members without charge. For more details please contact the relevant category manager, their details are listed within each of the below frameworks on the website:
Alternatively, you can contact Jane Eve, head of contracts on 0161 713 3424 or email