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LACA Chair responds to Jamie Oliver’s idea for Food Revolution Day

17 May 2013

LACA Chair Anne Bull has responded to Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution Day, which has been held today and is aimed at getting people 'better connected with their food'.

She said: “Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution Day today provides an opportunity to showcase the important role which healthy food plays in the development of children not only here in the UK, but around the world.

"LACA has always been a champion of nutritious and healthy school food and supports any chance to highlight to children the importance of fresh food in their diet, basic cooking skills and good eating habits.

"We believe that all three of these skills have a pivotal role to play here in the UK, not only in tackling the growing childhood obesity crisis but also the increased number of cases of malnutrition reported as a result of rising poverty levels.”

For more information about Food Revolution Day click on the link: