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LACA collaborates with DFE and PHE to produce additional Free School Meals Parcel Guidance

04 Sep 2020
Earlier this week, The Department for Education published its updated school food guidance from September 2020, with information to help school and catering teams serve school lunches safely now that schools have re-opened.

As set out in the updated school food guidance, LACA – The School Food People, have been working with the Department for Education and Public Health England, to set out additional guidance for producing lunch food parcels for children staying at home for reasons relating to Covid-19.
The free school meals food parcel guidance sets out some general principles for putting together a food parcel which will allow parents and carers to prepare simple and healthy lunches for their child or children at home across the week. It also includes the Eatwell Guide, which parents and carers should use to help prepare healthier and more sustainable food.
LACA looks forward to continuing to work with the Department for Education, and wider stakeholders, to ensure that every child has access to a healthy school meal in these challenging times.