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LACA shares poverty concerns of Save the Children report

05 Sep 2012

LACA, the voice of the school food industry, shares the concerns raised in the Save the Children Report entitled ‘Child Poverty in 2012’ published today.

The study highlights that an estimated 3.5 million children are living in poverty in the UK and outlines the experiences of low income families, many of whom are being forced to cut back on essentials like food and clothes.

Commenting on the findings of the Save the Children Report, Anne Bull, national chair designate of the Local Authority Caterers’ Association, said: “With the Save the Children Report revealing that parents in poverty are having to cut back on food for themselves in order to provide for their children and that many children are missing out on at least one hot meal a day, it just emphasises how vital it is to maintain a healthy and affordable school meals service for parents and their children.

“With reports of children arriving hungry at school, the role of breakfast clubs as well as other food services in schools, are also becoming increasingly important.

“Ensuring that the most vulnerable children in our society have the opportunity to eat a hot nutritious school lunch every day is absolutely essential.  For many, this is their only meal of the day.

“With obesity levels also still rising, children missing out on a healthy, balanced school meal are at even more risk of being driven towards fatty snacks and sweets.

“This is surely counter-productive to all of the efforts being made to encourage children to eat better for their future wellbeing and to reduce the cost to the NHS of diet related diseases.

“With studies having shown that children who eat better, do better at school, the provision of free school meals for the most vulnerable children in society who are nutritionally at risk, is also important as part of the measures being taken to close the educational attainment gap and help children achieve their potential.

“Improving diet and lifestyle can help them make the most of their education which for many is the route out of poverty.

“Given the far reaching benefits of good nutrition, the opportunity of a daily hot school meal should be seen as every child’s right.

“Free school meals should be available to all families whose income is deemed below the poverty line.

“With the reform of the welfare system underway and the possible changes to entitlement levels, LACA is, along with a number of other children’s health and welfare bodies, working hard to ensure that the Government maintains free school meal eligibility for all families who will be in receipt of the new Universal Credit.”

Read the full Save the Children report by clicking on the link below: