LACA supports DfE complaints procedure for FSM parcels

A spokesperson for LACA, commented: “LACA are disappointed to see the pictures of food parcels circulating on social media. They simply do not meet the standards.
“Our guidance to members clearly states that the parcels should be nutritionally balanced and include a range of ingredients to provide one meal for one child for five days.
“These parcels are designed to provide children with a balanced meal at a time of unprecedented pressure. We expect our members to follow the guidance.”
The LACA parcel guidance states:
- There should be a variety of fruit and vegetables
- Some protein foods (such as beans, pulses, fish and eggs)
- Meat- cooked ham or chicken slices
- Some dairy and/or dairy alternatives including milk, cheese and yoghurt
- Food parcels should not contain items restricted under the School Food Standards (crisps/confectionary)
Education Secretary Gavin Williamson, said: “I thought how could a family in receipt of that really be expected to deliver five nutritious meals as is required. It’s just not acceptable.
“It has been absolutely clear to Chartwells and to the whole sector that the sort of behaviour is not acceptable and it will not be tolerated. We will not live with that.
“It is so important that there are clear standards that are set there which they need to deliver against and if they do not deliver against them action will have to be taken…
“We will support any school that needs to take action against any food contractor and absolutely we will name and shame any of those not delivering against the standards.”
The Education Secretary also confirmed the national food voucher scheme will be available to all schools from next week.
THE DfE released a statement, saying: “If you’re concerned about the standard of your parcel please speak to your school first. If you’re still dissatisfied, contact the DfE helpline on 0800 046 8687.”