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MP Zarah Sultana appears on Good Morning Britain calling for free school meals

14 Dec 2022
Zarah Sultana, Labour MP for Coventry South, appeared on Good Morning Britain calling for every child in England to receive a healthy school meal every day.

She said her Free School Meals for All Bill would tackle this injustice. Sultana commented: “Every child deserves to have a hot, healthy dinner per day and what we are seeing across the country is that children are going to bed hungry at night and then they are learning on empty stomachs.

“There are a million children who are classified as being in poverty but simply don’t qualify for free school meals and that’s because England has really strict eligibility. Families have to earn around less than £7,400. It’s double that in Northern Ireland and in fact in Wales and Scotland the provision for free school meals in primary schools is for all children.

“When [school meal provision] is universal and everyone’s enjoying the same meal and everyone can sit together the stigma is definitely reduced and doesn’t exist in many cases.”

Mayor of London Sadiq Khan supported the Labour MP by stating: “Free school meals were something my family and I replied on. They provided us with the sustenance needed to give our very best at school- every child in London deserves that support.

“Introducing frees school meals for all primary children would save families hundreds of pounds a year, and ensure they eat a healthy, nutritious meal. Several London councils already leading the way on this- it is time for the Government to step up.”