National Vegetarian Week announces dates for 2024

27 Feb 2024
National Vegetarian Week, which takes place from 1-7th October, is asking the British public to ‘Mix it Up’ as it aims to encourage more people to try plant-based swaps in their favourite dishes.
Whether at home, in the staff canteen, at school or eating out, National Vegetarian Week wants to encourage people across the UK to ‘Mix it Up!’, cut down on their meat and try out the ever-expanding range of meat-free dishes and recipes.
Louise Goodwin, campaigns manager from the Vegetarian Society, said: “This year we will be reaching out to even more people and encouraging a greater number of businesses, local authorities, supermarkets and individuals to Mix it Up! during National Vegetarian Week.”
National Vegetarian Week 2024 will start on World Vegetarian Day (October 1st). It is a ‘perfect opportunity’ for individuals, retailers, local authorities, caterers, supermarkets and restaurants to focus on vegetarian products and recipes.