Over 16,000 schoolchildren benefit from Food for Life programme

Since 2017 Food for Life has been working with schools in Walsall to make healthy and nutritious food top of the menu. Over 70% of primary schools are currently receiving school meals from a Food for Life Served Here accredited caterer.
The aim of the commission was to deliver a whole setting approach improving food quality, food provenance and food education whilst also promoting healthy food behaviours in schools, early years settings and the wider Walsall community. The programme is now in its sixth year of delivery, having been extended following the disruption to delivery in 2020 and 2021 as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Mark Dakin, headteacher at St Giles Primary School (bronze award winners), said: “Food for Life is fully embedded, with planned opportunities for parents to eat alongside their children. There are regular opportunities for pupils to prepare, cook and share food. Pupils are connecting more to nature through growing vegetables and using school grown produce as part of menu options. For example, children used school grown courgettes to create a Jamie Oliver cheesy courgette bake.”
The programme hasn’t just impacted school children either, it’s been felt in the local community through supporting local businesses and the local economy. Walsall Council Catering Service, who cater 36 Walsall schools, use suppliers who are all within 30 miles of Walsall town centre.
The report found:
- 12 primary schools are working towards their silver Food for Life Award
- 41 schools have submitted criteria towards a bronze Food for Life Award
- 51 primary schools are enrolled in the Food for Life programme in Walsall
- 2,238 nursery aged children have benefitted from the positive impact of having the Food for Life programme in their setting