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Notes from the weekly Food Vulnerability Stakeholder Group within DEFRA

30 Jun 2020

Attended by Stephen Forster:

This week, the team are:

  • Continuing the work of transitioning those receiving food boxes to alternative arrangements.
  • Holding a Food Vulnerability Stakeholder Group Call, Thursday 2nd July, to provide a programme update.
  • Continuing work to complete the arrangements for Local Authority Emergency Assistance Grants

Last week:

Non-Shielded Vulnerable

  • We secured a number of supermarket delivery slots for the dedicated use of vulnerable people who are unable to access food and who have no other options available to them.
  • We are working closely with local authorities and charities to help make sure these delivery slots are made available to those who need them most and have built a dedicated online platform to enable local authorities and a number of charities to directly refer individuals for access to the prioritised slots.
  • We are training call centre staff this week for a dedicated line to be available w/c 29/06 to assist the local authorities administering the scheme.
  • We are continually reviewing how we can best work with LAs to encourage referrals once the on-boarding has happened

Economically Vulnerable

  • We are working at pace to agree the best approach to administering the Local Authority Emergency  FareShare, WRAP and front line Food Charities continue to use funding from Defra to provide food to those who need it most.