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Partner offers

 Register your school for a special, free assembly from our friends at Cool Milk

Our friends at Cool Milk are offering schools the chance to host a free assembly - to give children at Key Stage 1 a greater understanding of where milk comes from and why it's good for us.

Their Cool Milk Show includes:

  • entertaining and interactive video
  • lesson plan written by the Children’s Food Trust
  • storybook written by award winning author Caryl Hart, for each child to take home
  • educational quiz and stickers to take home
  • milk on the day for every child participating
  • dedicated Account Manager to coordinate and ensure the smooth running of your event.

Availability is limited so reserve your place now.

  • Birds Eye has 65 years of expertise in growing and nurturing vegetables and making them the best quality choice for family meals.
  • To celebrate its 65th year, Birds Eye is going back to their roots and giving every child in the UK the chance to give growing a go.
  • Birds Eye is running a free pea seeds on-pack promotion which is being extended to schools and supported by the NSP, to engage the nation's teachers and pupils.
  • Birds Eye wants to see children and families gaining a better understanding of the journey their food goes on before arriving on their plates.
  • In celebration of Birds Eye’s 65th anniversary, National Schools Partnership has helped develop ‘The Great Food Journey’ – a brand-new, hands-on project which teaches pupils about the journey food takes from farm to plate.
  • The programme, designed for primary schools (pupils aged 4-11), is packed with vibrant resources and great teaching ideas for your whole school.
  • We are offering up to 150 free packets of pea seeds so pupils in your school can start to grow their own pea plants at school or at home.
  • Registering is easy! Visit for more information: