Jersey Government finishes roll-out of fully funded hot meal programme

The programme began in September 2019 when a pilot ran across five schools in conjunction with local charity, Caring Cooks. Following its success, the programme was expanded across all Government fully funded primary schools, with all able to serve meals ahead of the 2024 Christmas break.
Two supplies are now involved, Caring Cooks based in Jersey and Apetito who are based in the UK. The meals cost £2.50 per day and some children are eligible to have this for free.
Deputy Rob Ward, Minister for Education and Lifelong Learning, said: “The work that has gone into rolling out this programme over the last five years is remarkable. We should be proud of the fact that all our children can now have a hot, nutritious meal each day they are in school.
“This offering was a priority for good reason; it has huge benefits for our children, young people and their families. It works towards reducing inequalities in our society, improves healthy eating and helps to reduce the cost-of-living pressures for islanders.”