LACA East of England - AGM

12 May 2022
The LACA East of England AGM took place as a virtual event on Wednesday 12 May at 14.00.
With thanks to all our speakers.
- 14.00 Welcome and Opening Remarks
- 14.05 View from the Bridge - Jacquie Blake, National Chair
- 14.35 Plant Based Recipe Book/SCOTY – Carol Harwood and Rob Chambers
- 15.00 Update on Market Trends from Bidfood – Gavin Squires Business Development Manager and Paul Green Head of Commodities
- 15.20 Treasury update Hilary Witt, National Treasurer
- 15.30 Update from EACH, the Region`s Charity Rodney Lankester
- 15.35 Closing Remarks from Regional Chair
- 14.15 TUCO presentation – Jane Eve
If you were unable to join us on the day, you can watch a recording below. Apologies for the poor sound quality at the start for Jacquie Blake's update, there were some internet issues.