Louise claims 2011 national school chef title

Louise Witterick, who works at Chapel Fields Junior School in Solihull, has been named the 2011 School Chef of the Year.
Her winning dishes consisted of a main course of Beef Stifado with a Trio of Root Vegetables and Minted Spinach and Broccoli followed by dessert of Spicy Butternut Squash Tart served with Hot Crème Anglaise.
The annual competition is organised by the Local Authority Caterers' Association (LACA) and sponsored by Maggi from Nestle Professional.
Louise, who is employed by Solihull Catering Services, qualified for the final after winning the West Midlands regional final.
LACA says the School Chef of the Year judging criteria demand skills and standards from participants that send a clear message to all customers - from heads and governors to parents and young people.
And that message is that the nation's talented front line staff in schools not only prepare tasty, highly creative dishes to tempt the taste buds of discerning children and young people but also nutritious school meals that can make a major contribution towards altering eating habits, improving diets and decreasing obesity levels.
The award for Highly Commended Main Course was won by Anu Rajput from Manchester City Council with her Chicken Shashlick with Chickpea Salad.
The Highly Commended Dessert went to Annette Newman from Hertfordshire Catering with her Runaway Tart (chocolate and butternut squash).