Over 57,000 meals raised by Really Good School Dinner campaign

Pupils taking part in the Really Good School Dinner have raised enough money so far this year to help the World Food Programme (WFP) provide a massive 57,446 school meals to children in developing countries.
Nina Valente at the World Food Programme commented on the achievement: "Right now, the funds raised by the Really Good School Dinner are likely to go towards WFP's School Meal Programme in Afghanistan which really needs more money to avoid having to halve school feeding activities in June, affecting more than a million school children.
"Almost a third of Afghans cannot meet their basic food needs. WFP School Meals provide a crucial safety net to 1.2 million children in Afghanistan. Girls, banned from school under the Taliban regime, are gradually returning to the classroom, but 70 percent are still not enrolled.
"To redress this gender imbalance, WFP provides take-home rations of vegetable oil to girls who attend classes, which prompts their parents to send them to school."
The Really Good School Dinner is a campaign introduced to help fight world hunger.