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Covid 19 Updates - March 2020 - September 2020

14 Jan 2021

29th June 2020
Notes from the weekly Food Vulnerability Stakeholder Group within DEFRA (attended by Stephen Forster)

23rd June 2020
Prime Minister lockdown update

19th June 2020
Daily Covid-19 Update

18th June 2020
Daily Covid-19 Update

17th June 2020
Daily Covid-19 update

16th June 2020
Daily Covid-19 Update

15th June 2020
Updated DfE guidance: ‘Planning guide for primary schools'
Daily Covid-19 Update

12th June 2020
Daily Covid-19 Update

11th June 2020
Daily Covid-19 Update
A PPN 04/20 update from Stephen Forster
New funding confirmed for local authorities to help those struggling financially as a result of coronavirus.

10th June 2020
Daily Covid-19 Update

9th June 2020
Daily Covid-19 Update

8th June 2020
Daily Covid-19 Update

5th June 2020
Daily Covid-19 Update
The Department for Education have updated their guidance “preparing for the wider reopening of schools from 1st June”

4th June 2020
Daily Covid-19 Update

3rd June 2020
Daily Covid-19 Update

2nd June 2020
Daily Covid-19 Update

1st June 2020
Daily Covid-19 Update

29th May 2020
Daily Covid-19 Update
DfE publish new guidance on providing Free School Meals

28th May 2020
Daily Covid-19 Update

27th May 2020
Daily Covid-19 Update

26th May 2020
Daily Covid-19 Update

22nd May 2020
Daily Covid-19 Update

21st May 2020
Daily Covid-19 Update

20th May 2020
Daily Covid-19 Update

19th May 2020
Daily Covid-19 Update

18th May 2020
Daily Covid-19 Update

15th May 2020
Daily Covid-19 Update

14th May 2020
Daily Covid-19 Update

13th May 2020
Daily Covid-19 Update
Guidance: Opening schools and educational settings to more pupils from 1st June

7th May 2020
Daily Covid-19 Update

6th May 2020
Daily Covid-19 Update
Research from the USA - How K-12 (kindergarten through to 12th grade) operators are managing during Covid-19

5th May 2020
Daily Covid-19 Update

4th May 2020
Daily Covid-19 Update
Results of the LACA NSG Survey - Covid-19 Government Response

1st May 2020
Daily Covid-19 Update

30th April 2020
Daily Covid-19 Update

29th April 2020
Daily Covid-19 Update

28th April 2020
Daily Covid-19 Update
A LACA Update from Stephen Forster

27th April 2020
Daily Covid-19 Update

24th April 2020
Daily Covid-19 Update

23rd April 2020
Daily Covid-19 Update

22nd April 2020
Daily Covid-19 Update

21st April 2020
Daily Covid-19 Update
A LACA update from Stephen Forster

Q&A - Vicky Ford, School Food Minister, Vicky Ford MP
Q&A PPN and Guidance

20th April 2020
Daily Covid-19 Update

17th April 2020
Daily Covid-19 Update

16th April 2020
Daily Covid-19 Update

15th April 2020
Daily Covid-19 Update

14th April 2020
Daily Covid-19 Update

9th April 2020
Daily Covid-19 Update

8th April 2020
Daily Covid-19 Update

7th April 2020
Daily Covid-19 Update
LACA update from Stephen Forster
Coronavirus (COVID-19): financial support for schools

6th April 2020
Daily Covid-19 Update

3rd April 2020
Daily Covid-19 Update
The government has announced a £3 million fund for organisations redistributing safe surplus food to those who need it during the coronavirus outbreak. - More information can be found here.

2nd April 2020
Daily Covid-19 Update
Stephen Forster, chair of LACA, is asking members to complete a short survey about the impact on caterers of the huge changes to the way schools and meals services now run. 

LACA wish to draw attention to Q13 in the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - Procurement Policy Note 02/20 - How should contracting authorities ensure that a supplier receiving relief under PPN 02/20 does not also receive equivalent relief from the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) or other COVID-19 support schemes from the Government?

1st Apr 2020
Daily Covid-19 Update

31st March 2020
Daily Covid-19 Update
It is our view and also that of DfE that schools should first and foremost continue to offer food in some form through their current catering provider and that vouchers should only be used as a last resort when other options have been exhausted.  

For more information on the scheme please refer to the details which are provided here.

30th March 2020
Updated government guidance and FAQs for contracts within the public sector
Daily Covid-19 Update
Weekly Members Overview
Message from Alison Frith, President, Réunion des Gastronomes - Hospitality Action Support

27th March 2020
Daily Covid-19 Update

26th March 2020
Daily Covid-19 Update
Minister for Children responds to questions on free school meals

25th March 2020
Daily Covid-19 Update
A message of hope from Magnus MacFarlane-Barrow, Mary's Meals Founder

24th March 2020
Procurement Policy Note - Supplier relief due to COVID-19
Gov.UK Guidance - Further businesses and premises to close

Gov.UK Guidance - New rules on staying at home and away from others

Contact directive for DfE:  LACA have been advised that the FSM team are currently preparing an offical Q&A which is planned to go up on very shortly.  It is hoped this should include details of opening arrangements during holidays and the face value of any vouchers claimed.

The DfE will be regularly revising advice as questions come in.  If any individuals have further queries, the DfE are advising  that these be directed through the helpline on the contact details below, so that these can be logged and directed accordingly. 

Image removed.

20th March 2020
LACA sends letter to Secretary of State for Education

19th March 2020
Message of support from Stephen Forster, LACA National Chair and the NSG
Link to free school meals guidance
NGA (National Governance Association) guidance on coronavirus for governing boards