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Accent Catering partners with London school to support communities with CanTeam initiative

07 May 2024
Ark King Solomon Academy and on-site catering company Accent Catering collaborated to provide a community meal in the school dining hall for students as well as their parents, guardians and grandparents over seven Monday evenings since January.

The school-based community meals are part of CanTeam, an initiative under Future Foundations, to transform school canteens into community hubs that improve educational and nutritional outcomes for young people and their families by supporting schools to offer an after-school food programme. Up to 100 people have attended each event to date with more planned for the future.

CanTeam’s aim is to create a sustainable solution to food insecurity, encourage healthy eating and enable young people to learn and thrive. Ark King Solomon Academy in London was the fourth school in the UK to get involved in the CanTeam initiative.

Ark Schools is a network of 39 academies in Birmingham, Hastings, London and Portsmouth. The school is supported by Accent Catering, which caters for over 1,300 pupils and 80 teaching staff across the school’s two sites in Crompton St (W2) and Penfold Street (NW1).

Thanks to funding from the Raheem Sterling Foundation and the Reuben Foundation, as well as a grant from Big Change Education Challenge, these meals have been delivered at no cost to the school, at a time when school budgets are squeezed and families are struggling to pay for food.

Ian Harman, operations manager for Accent Catering, said: "We are delighted to support this initiative and to provide our food and labour at minimal cost. Our chefs and I give our time each Monday evening on a voluntary basis, and we have liaised with our suppliers to secure a large amount of donated ingredients.

“Sixth Formers help with setting up the dining hall, laying tables, welcoming guests and engaging in fun games and activities with the children. It’s a great learning experience for them also – and fun for our young guests. It is fantastic to see so many happy, smiling faces and to see old and young gathering over good food to chat.

“Word of mouth has played its part and we have seen the dining hall filled to capacity each Monday evening. It’s why I go to work. I absolutely love how a simple idea can enhance a school community and bring benefits to many.”

The Accent Catering team provides two nutritious hot dishes, served buffet style, with a range of healthy salads and desserts such as fruit platters and reduced sugar cakes.

Gabby Woolf, vice-principal (operations) of Ark King Solomon Academy, added: “Schools are uniquely positioned to bring communities together and our families have shared how much they have enjoyed socialising over a delicious meal. Thank you to the Accent Catering team for their enthusiasm for this project as it has made all the difference.”