Research reveals nation’s favourite family dinner

Simple dinners such as scrambled eggs on toast (40%), mac and cheese (21%) and toad in the hole (19%) are back on British dinner tables, as parents tighten their purse strings. Cottage pie (35%), chilli (29%), ham, egg & chips (29%), pasta carbonara (28%) and sausage casserole (26%) also made the top 20.
As many as seven in ten parents (72%) are being thriftier with their cooking due to the increased cost of living, while 74% are cooking more meals from scratch. Almost half of those surveyed (47%) are buying more staple ingredients such as eggs, pasta and rice, with 52% buying more own brand products.
Gary Ford from British Lion Eggs said: “It’s clear from the research that the way families are cooking has changed over the last few years, with three quarters of us cooking more meals from scratch in a bid to save money.
“Over half of us are turning to staple ingredients to create cost saving but delicious family meals. Eggs are not just affordable, they are also nutritious, quick, versatile and filling - ticking lots of boxes for families making meals day in day out on tighter budgets.”
Two thirds (68%) admit that they are sitting down and eating together as a family more in a bid to save money, with the priorities when planning what to cook for the family being everyone likes it (60%), it’s healthy (54%), filling (53%), full of nutrients (37%), freezable (28%) and high in protein (28%).