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Green Eco Technologies (GET) develop, supply and manage technologically advanced, efficient, and environmentally beneficial, on-site solutions for the conversion and repurposing of putrescible organic waste into reusable resources. GET recognise the importance of sustainable development and environmental conservation and believe that innovative technology is the key to promoting sustainability for a greener future and are committed to helping organisations reduce their food waste impact.

 Continuous technological development has resulted in the innovative patented WasteMaster food waste conversion system, which delivers savings and process improvement to all facets of organic waste management. Developed in the UK the WasteMaster on-site food waste system diverts food waste from landfill, sewer systems, and incineration, improving segregation and preventing associated greenhouse gas emissions and the leachate contamination of waterways.   

The WasteMaster process reduces food waste volume by up to 80%, driving down disposal costs while reducing the carbon footprint of an organisation. The WasteMaster provides accurate measurement of food waste and the volume of avoided landfill via online reports. This measurement tool has proved useful in reducing waste at source and providing additional savings at source from catering efficiencies. 

We offer finance options to suit different procurement requirements and the WasteMaster can be purchased outright or leased. The lease option price includes the lease of the equipment, maintenance, account management, ongoing training, reporting and removal of residual material. If the system is purchased outright, there is a monthly fee to maintain the WasteMaster, remove residue and monitor & manage remotely 24/7.

Green Eco Technologies and the WasteMaster complies with the Environment Agency requirements RPS 229 for treatment of waste at the place of sale or consumption.