First Choice Group
Blakeney Way
WS11 8LD
09 Jun 2022
09 Jun 2022
1.30pm – 5.00pm. Afterwards at McArthurGlen Designer Outlet. Eastern Way, Cannock. WS11 7JZ.
Car Parking
On entering the site, please drive to the end of the First Choice Building where there is a reserved area, outside the main entrance.
Programme - please see attachment for full details.
- Exhibition and presentations: First Choice, MKN and Fusion FSM.
- Emotional Health and Wellbeing: How school caterers can support the work on mental health within schools: Sian Deane, Project Manager and School Improvement Adviser/ITT Lead/CPD Strategic Lead for the Shropshire and Telford Education Partnership Hub. Telford and Wrekin Council. Sian is a former Head Teacher.
- SCOTY Regional Winner 2021: a brief report on the experience - Lee Taylor, Chef Manager, Atalian Servest.
- Fruit in Schools Survey 2021: Mark Driver, Minor, Weir and Willis and kidsfruit.org. Supplier of fruit to 16,600 state schools in England with direct daily delivery to 7800 of them in 56 Local Authorities.
- Over to you for discussion on ‘’Potential impact on the child’s plate of rising food costs and staffing shortages’’.
- Networking.
- Visit to McArthurGlen Designer Outlet, Eastern Way, Cannock WS11 7JZ: Meal at Five Guys and some Retail Therapy!
Booking (NB there is no separate Booking Form)
Please email Pat Hughes not later than Friday 27 May 2022. Please include your name, Local Authority/School/Company and telephone contact details.
Email: hughespatricia135@gmail.com